Intranet and Customer Community Migration

What you need to know if you are considering migrating to a new software platform.

Are you considering migrating from one platform to another, but unsure of where to start? The concept of moving all of your content and users from one environment to another may seem daunting, but our team of experts can work with you to simplify the process and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Today’s community owners may find themselves in a situation where they need or want to migrate to a new community platform. The three important areas of the migration to consider are platform selection, content migration, and platform configuration. Early timing and planning is crucial and could start as early as 18 months prior to the planned cut-over date. Additionally, we take a look at some of the typical costs and fees associated with the community migration that we hope will be valuable to your planning.  

In this e-book, we explore the key considerations involved in a platform migration, including:

  • Reasons to move your community
  • A breakdown of of the community migration process, including: platform selection, content and data migration, and platform configuration
  • Community migration project preparation
  • Timing of a community migration project
  • Budgeting for a platform migration and costs involved

For more information on platform migrations or to talk to the Social Edge team about your migration project, please email us at to get started.

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