July 8, 2015
While numerous new features were announced in Jive's 2015.2 release, we dug deeper into a few of the enhancements behind the curtain, focusing on the new reports added to the Jive CMGR's best friend - the Community Manager Reports (CMR). The recent updates to the CMR have allowed community managers to dig deeper into the data to see not only how the community is being adopted and used, but how engaged the members are.
The new reports released in the 2015.2 cloud release are awesome for community managers with more mature communities, as they allow you to look beyond adoption, how many active users, amount of content etc. and take a closer look into engagement, how users interact within one-another, where they are contributing, what are they looking for etc. So let's take a closer look at the new reports.
User to User Interactions
The User to User Interactions chart is a global report that will show you how users are collaborating and engaging with each other across the community. On the right side of the chart, or using the check- boxes below, you can not only customize the time frame for your report (as with other CMR data) but you can select from the profile fields (e.g. department, location, title etc.) in your community to view the interactions. The more vibrant this chart looks, the more interactions that are happening.
For Jive-n communities, this report is excellent at giving you insight into not only how your users are engaging but with whom. Think back to your original goals when setting up Jive - did you aim to breakdown silos, increase interaction amongst employees working at different locations for example? This chart can help you measure that success, or help to identify teams that are not as engaged, or who are not collaborating with the right people so as a community manager you can target engagement strategies, training etc. at those users.
For Jive-x communities, you can also get a deeper look into how your users are interacting. Are your users only interacting with the brand by asking questions? Or are peer- to- peer interactions dominant and the community members coming together to build community around topics, your brand etc.
Engagement Index
The new Engagement Index global report allows you to go beyond user adoption and dig into how engaged your users are and how this shifts over time. Jive calculates the the "engagement" here by taking the total activities for the month/day and divide them by the total active users for that month/day. As a community manager this report can be powerful as you can see how the engagement changes and shifts as your community grows. Using this engagement data you can assess the times of higher and lower engagement and determine what the factors were at that time to contribute to higher engagement levels, as well as the lower levels.
If you haven't checked out your CMR in a while, you will also notice a few other great reports that have been added over the last few release:
Also, as you check out these new reports and start digging deeper into the data remember a few best practices around measurement:
Want to learn more about Analytics in Jive? Watch the recent webcast to learn about some of the features new features that are coming down the pipe (wouldn't be awesome to share and collaborate on the reports?): Talking with Jive Products Team: Jive-n Analytics