We're excited to announce the launch of our newest product, the Event Tile! As you know, a few months back, we asked our clients and the AureaWorks community which new tile they would like to see added to our suite of available products. After taking the suggestions into consideration, we took the most requested tiles and then put up a poll, which our clients and this community voted on.

The Event Tile was our 12th Tile winner - and we are happy to say that it is now available for individual purchase in our online store or via SOW!

About the Event Tile

Our customizable Event Tile allows you to display current and upcoming events on both the community homepage or landing page. It's configurable to show filters by event categories and tags, as well as organize multiple tabbed pages of events coming from one or more places.

Key features:

  • Display curated events on your community home page
  • Curate display of events based on a place or places
  • Curate display of events based on tags
  • Design a custom HTML header and/or footer for the tile
  • Save individual events to your calendar

More information about the Event Tile is available here.

While at this time, the Event Tile can be purchased individually now, we plan on adding it to EdgePack for Jive once we have reached our goal of 12 new EdgePack clients. If you check the ticker out on the Social Edge Consulting page, you'll see we're now down to 9 new clients needed before we add the Event Tile to EdgePack at no additional cost to our clients.

Just like in our consumer lives, prospective clients look to peers to help them assess buying opportunities. We believe that if clients signal to their peer group the value they are receiving from our tile package, this will accelerate the purchasing cycles and thus get everyone the 12th tile faster. For more information on our "12 for 12" program, click here.

Help us spread the word & get the Event Tile added to EdgePack faster!

  • Post and rate your personal experience of our products in AureaWorks and tag Social Edge Consulting
  • Tweet about your experience with our products on social media. Tag us @social_edge and use the hashtags #myTBSEstory and #TBSE12for12
  • Add a review and rate our Tile Pack or any of our tiles in our online store
  • Privately let a peer know about the value you received from our tiles
  • Simply like or comment on this blog post!