Coming soon! Slack Integration for Jive

Amara Lennon

Do your community members work in both Jive and Slack? If so, we have great news for you! We are very excited to announce that we have been working on a new product, our Slack Integration for Jive, which will enable you to now have the ability to connect any Jive space or group to a Slack channel in a workplace!

Our Slack Integration for Jive focuses on three key features: Share, Sync, and Search

Share Jive Content in Slack and Reply Back

You've asked a question in Jive but you're not getting the answer you need. You want to share the question in Slack because you know there are users there that will help you. Once you get the answer in Slack, you can then share that reply back to Jive.

Sync Content in a Jive Place with a Slack Channel

You have a Jive place that is the home for important communications - Corp Comm, IT News, CEO blogs, etc. You want content that is created in this place to automatically sync to a Jive channel, so that users will be notified in Slack where they are doing their day to day work

Search Jive without leaving Slack

Users in Slack tend to work in Slack for most of the day. When they want to reference Jive content, instead of having to leave Slack to go search Jive content, they can search right from Slack.

Additional Features

  • This integration syncs with just one Slack workspace, but can be connected to multiple Slack channels within that workspace.
  • We hard-code the URL for your Slack workspace into the product.
  • It is compatible with Cloud and Hosted/On Premise versions of Jive.

I'm interested... tell me more. When will it be available?

Very soon! We plan on releasing our Slack Integration for Jive in early 2020, so stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.

If you would like to be part of our beta program, be the first to hear about the launch, or simply learn more about the integration, email us at