Display up to six rotating hero images and up to four flipping call-to-action boxes with Slider+. Each slide can be customized, and within each of the boxes users can display up to five call-to-action links. This widget enables users to display content like welcome text, getting started, and other helpful links. This slider is clean, modern and customizable to match your brand color theme. Use on landing pages or spaces to highlight important content, feature information and direct users to where they need to go.
Key Features:
Display six+ rotating hero slides
Display four+ flipping boxes with five call-to-action links within each
Customizable color theme
The updated Slider now supports:
Ability to enter an image link for each, individual slide - allows the image within the slide to be clickable
Configuration of the static button
Custom font configuration
Configurable Slider height
Migration options for a previously configured Slider
Preview area within edit mode
Arrows only visible on Sliders with more than one slide
Simple, linked fields used for flip cards rather than HTML
Slide and flip card images can now be uploaded within the widget configuration
Ability to set targets for all configurable linked fields
New Release March 2023
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