Unlike your typical Jive collaboration scenarios, best practices for knowledge management dictate a tighter, observed process. This usually involves content templates, guidelines and an editorial process. Here are a few examples of how we handled this in internal and external communities.
At Social Edge we know that thoughtful and well-executed use cases are the foundation of a successful community, so important that we’ve blogged about it here. A simple search of “use case” in JiveWorks also yields dozens of informative results. While information on use cases and their importance is plentiful, here is what you really need to know.
Social Edge Creative Director Allison Rouleau shares 5 tips on working from home with kids. To help you not only cope, but to excel and keep yourself and your kids happy during these challenging times. These are suggestions she has found that work for herself and her young family. Hopefully, they can inspire ideas for you and yours!